I wrote a Twitter thread I thought I’d capture on my blog. To read in its original form, here you go.
Yesterday was my birthday. 34 – A lot of great things happened in the last year across the board. I’m grateful for the continued success and evolution.
First off have to thank my tribe – my family, friends, and professional colleagues that have been in the trenches. Someone in a board meeting I was at mentioned a quote that stuck with me; “Many hands make light work.” I disagree.
It’s more like – Quality people with a noble purpose can overcome just about anything. Reminds me of the Margret Meed quote – “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Looking back at what I’ve done to get to where I am now at a point where brute force just won’t work anymore. Just by sheer hours committed, I’ve put more time into my areas of interest and reaped the rewards. But that’s not going to get me to the next level.
1. My body doesn’t respond like it use to – I need my sleep more than ever…lol… 2. TBH – I’ve traded off my wellness over professional execution for such a long time…. I’ve got some health and lifestyle debt to pay off.
3. With more responsibilities and even more audacious opportunities, it will become less about what I can do and more about who / what institutions I can build to accomplish the things I want to do – I’m excited about focusing more on building people than anything else.
4. Focus now is more important now than ever. At 34 – I hope to be ruthless in my focus. A lot of balls will drop for sure – but I think the most important – most impactful opportunities will rise to the top and I’ll shepherd them to the finish line.
5 . I’ve believed in doing work / operating in silence > making noise and not doing much. But for my star wars fans… Only the Sith deal in absolutes. There’s a middle ground where sharing and leading the conversation in areas you’re interested in benefits your work product.
My life’s been amazing so far – I’m so excited because I think we’re just getting started.