
Drake vs. Kendrick: How Social Media Redefines Rap Beefs and the Quest For Clout

Before you read this, please listen to the following song:

The recent feud between rap titans Drake and Kendrick Lamar has not only ignited the hip-hop world but also illuminated how social media has revolutionized the landscape of rap beefs. While traditional rap beefs were often defined by lyrical skill, clever disses, and street credibility, today’s battles are increasingly shaped by the attention economy, where clout and online engagement often take precedence over traditional metrics.

The Evolution of Rap Beefs

Historically, rap beefs were predominantly confined to the realm of music. Artists exchanged lyrical blows through diss tracks, mixtapes, and radio freestyles. The victor was typically determined by the quality of their wordplay, the impact of their insults, and the response they elicited from their opponent.

However, social media has fundamentally transformed the dynamics of rap beefs. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have become virtual battlegrounds where artists can amplify their disses, engage directly with fans, and generate viral moments that transcend the boundaries of music. Metro Boomin’s release of “BBL Drizzy,” a diss track aimed at Drake, is a prime example of how social media can amplify rap beefs and redefine their impact.

The Attention Economy and the Quest for Clout

In the digital age, attention is a valuable currency. Social media platforms thrive on user engagement, and rap beefs provide the perfect fodder for generating buzz and attracting eyeballs. Artists understand that a well-crafted diss track can quickly go viral, garnering millions of views, likes, and shares. This heightened visibility translates into increased streaming numbers, album sales, and ultimately, greater cultural influence.

The Drake and Kendrick beef perfectly exemplifies this phenomenon. Their feud has dominated social media conversations for weeks, with fans and pundits alike dissecting every lyric, meme, and online interaction. This constant stream of content has kept both artists at the forefront of the cultural consciousness, even if the quality of their disses may not have reached the heights of past rap beefs.

Redefining Victory in the Digital Age

In the attention economy, the victor of a rap beef is often not the artist with the most lyrical skill or the most cutting insult. Instead, it’s the artist who can generate the most buzz, garner the most engagement, and ultimately, accumulate the most clout.

This shift has led some to criticize the current state of rap beefs, arguing that they have become more about sensationalism and online theatrics than genuine artistic expression. However, others see this evolution as a natural progression in an increasingly digital world.

The Future of Rap Beefs

As social media continues to evolve, so too will the nature of rap beefs. We can expect to see even more innovative ways for artists to engage with each other and their audiences online. Virtual reality battles, augmented reality disses, and AI-generated beefs may not be far off.

Regardless of how rap beefs evolve, one thing is certain: the attention economy will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of hip-hop. Artists who can master the art of online engagement will be the ones who ultimately emerge victorious in this new era of digital warfare.

Big Ideas · Uncategorized

Creating Content in a Post Chat GPT/Bard World

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances, so does the content creation process. With the rise of GPT-3 and BARD, content creators are now able to generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently. However, this has also led to concerns about the future of content creation and the role of human creators. Let’s discuss how to create content in a post-chat GPT/BARD world.

The Benefits of GPT/BARD

GPT-3 and BARD have revolutionized the content creation process. These AI tools can generate high-quality content quickly and accurately, saving time and increasing productivity. For me, they serve as a way to destroy writer’s block and get a lot of content on paper quickly. It changes my approach from choosing which words get added to rapid subtraction

The Role of Human Creators

While GPT-3 and BARD are useful tools, they cannot replace the creativity and unique perspective of human creators. Human creators bring their own experiences and viewpoints to the content creation process, adding a personal touch that AI cannot replicate. Fundamentally, your content has to have heart. People can tell the difference.

Balancing AI and Human Creativity

The key to creating content in a post-chat GPT/BARD world is to strike a balance between AI and human creativity. Utilize AI tools for tasks such as research and idea generation, but ensure that the final product is infused with your own unique perspective and voice. Human creators should also focus on creating content that is authentic and resonates with their audience, rather than simply optimizing for search engines, like this paragraph for example.


In conclusion, GPT-3 and BARD are powerful tools that can aid in the content creation process. However, human creativity is still an essential component of creating high-quality content. By striking a balance between AI and human creativity, content creators can continue to thrive in a post-chat GPT/BARD world.

Idea!!! · venture capital

The 5 Dangers To Scale In Emerging Markets

Every industry has its jargon. In venture capital, there’s traction, scale, product market fit, etc. The problem with jargon in venture capital is it’s purposely elusive and nebulous.

The core of private equity markets is information arbitrage. There’s information asymmetry between capital and operators. As a result, different stakeholders create different definitions and everyone ends up talking past each other.

Why am I starting this conversation with jargon? It’s important we have a unified definition of what I mean by scale. Scale, from an operators and investment perspective, means I know what inputs I put in and I can predict my outputs/outcomes with reasonable certainty.

Emerging markets present unique challenges when it comes to scaling. They transcend business types and sectors. It makes scaling super challenging for emerging market companies and sometimes create zero-sum industry dynamics. This is why I’m launching a series on the 5 dangers of scaling in emerging markets and how to overcome them. The five dangers we’ll be diving into are:

  1. Customer distribution – Most of the time, market organization is one of the core challenges for companies. How do you organize your market in ways that are scalable and repeatable? Is repeatable important at this point?
  2. Customer education – While building/organizing a market, you might have to do more education to customers which might lead to higher acquisition costs. How do you teach customers but still keep your cac down?
  3. IC ramp up – how do you train people fast enough to execute on your behalf?
  4. Management / scaling operations – How do you create management expertise so your operations can scale with the market opportunity?
  5. Irrational Competition – How do you compete/navigate irrational competitors? what are irrational competitors?

Over the next couple of weeks – I’ll be diving deeper into these areas and exploring potential solutions.



I wrote a Twitter thread I thought I’d capture on my blog. To read in its original form, here you go.

Yesterday was my birthday. 34 – A lot of great things happened in the last year across the board. I’m grateful for the continued success and evolution.

First off have to thank my tribe – my family, friends, and professional colleagues that have been in the trenches. Someone in a board meeting I was at mentioned a quote that stuck with me; “Many hands make light work.” I disagree.

It’s more like – Quality people with a noble purpose can overcome just about anything. Reminds me of the Margret Meed quote – “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Looking back at what I’ve done to get to where I am now at a point where brute force just won’t work anymore. Just by sheer hours committed, I’ve put more time into my areas of interest and reaped the rewards. But that’s not going to get me to the next level.

1. My body doesn’t respond like it use to – I need my sleep more than ever…lol… 2. TBH – I’ve traded off my wellness over professional execution for such a long time…. I’ve got some health and lifestyle debt to pay off.

3. With more responsibilities and even more audacious opportunities, it will become less about what I can do and more about who / what institutions I can build to accomplish the things I want to do – I’m excited about focusing more on building people than anything else.

4. Focus now is more important now than ever. At 34 – I hope to be ruthless in my focus. A lot of balls will drop for sure – but I think the most important – most impactful opportunities will rise to the top and I’ll shepherd them to the finish line.

5 . I’ve believed in doing work / operating in silence > making noise and not doing much. But for my star wars fans… Only the Sith deal in absolutes. There’s a middle ground where sharing and leading the conversation in areas you’re interested in benefits your work product.

My life’s been amazing so far – I’m so excited because I think we’re just getting started. 🙂

business · Design · Development · Education

Embracing Open Source

For the last couple of years, my companies tiphub and ParallelScore have been working at the frontier of emerging challenges. We’ve had a lot of learnings that we’ve used to build and scale our initiatives over time.

I believe the best way to create more value is to share learnings and observations with the larger community of technologists and investors. To demonstrate our continued commitment to growing the pie for all – Over the next year, I’m pledging to increase our learnings and open source some of the methodologies we’ve built over the last couple of years. My hope is that we can help our partners in the market learn faster and drive more impact.

Open source has been transformative in the technology space. We hope we can leverage the success of open source in code and apply it to processes, documents, and models/frameworks.